Dr. Manuela-Elena CONCIOIU

Educational Specialist | Trainer | Biology Teacher | Author

Trainer with international background, Online Trainer, Gr. I Biology Teacher, Formal and Non-Formal Educational Specialist, Educational Project Manager

Dr. Manuela-Elena CONCIOIU

Work Experience

  • 2022 – present – President EUROPEAN M.I.N.D.
  • 2020 – present – teacher, trainer and mentor ORA de BIOLOGIE (national trademark)
  • 2019 – present – Owner / Manager at EDU BIO CENTER
  • 2021 – Intern – Education Specialist, EPLO - European Public Law Organization, Legrena, Greece
  • 2015 – present – Online Trainer / Educational Specialist, Ora de Biologie
  • 2014 – present – Gr. I Biology Teacher at Miguel de Cervantes Theoretical Bilingual High School Bucharest
  • 2018 – 2020 – Associate Biology Teacher at International Computer High School Bucharest
  • 2018 – Educational Specialist (intern), European Public Law Organization, Athens, Greece
  • 2015 – 2017 – Trainer at ADC Bucharest, Romania
  • 2014 – 2016 – Erasmus+ KA1 Project Manager „Connecting Europe: ICT and social networks in non-formal education activities”
  • 2007 – 2014 – Biology Teacher


  • 2016 – 2021 – PhD candidate in Political Studies – International Relations and European Integration Department, National University of Political Studies and Public Administration, Faculty of Political Sciences Bucharest, Romania
  • 2021 – Biolaw and Biotechnology: The Crossroads of Science and Regulation European Law Governance School (ELGS), Intensive Course - Certificate of participation, Atena, Grecia
  • 2018 – ELGS – Intensive Summer School in Comparative Law and Global Governance, European Law and Governance School – ELGS, Attended to Comparative Law and Global Governance, Athens, Greece
  • 2013 – 2014 – Human Resources Management, post graduate course, Faculty of Economics and Law, University of Pitești, Romania
  • 2008 – 2011 – Doctoral Courses, Faculty of Horticulture, In vitro Plant Propagation Biotechnologies, University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Bucharest, Romania
  • 2008 – 2010 – M.Sc. in Environmental Integrated Management and Engineering in Industrial Activities, Faculty of Managerial and Environmental Engineering, Ecological University of Bucharest Faculty of Environmental and Managerial Engineering, Romania
  • 2004 – 2008 – BSc in Ecology and Environmental Protection, Faculty of Science, University of Pitești, Romania
  • 2006 – Socrates Erasmus Student, Faculty of Bioengineering, University of Ghent, Belgium
  • 2004 – 2007 – BSc in Biology, Fundamental and Applied Biology, Faculty of Science, University of Pitești, Romania


  • Concioiu, M.E., (2021). Managing Diversity in the Romanian Educational System. Opportunities of Public Sector in Crisis Times Editori: Cruceanu (Dogaru) T.C., Berceanu I.B. (Coord.). Editura Economică. București. (în curs de publicare).
  • Concioiu, M.E., (2021). Educația multiculturală vs. educația interculturală, încotro?, Lucrările Simpozionului Multidisciplinar Internațional ”Educational Resources used in the Instructional - Educational Process”, Resurse educaționale utilizate în procesul instructiv educativ. Balea L.C. (Coord.). Centrul de Resurse Educaționale, Bucuresti, pp. 2998-3000.
  • Concioiu, M.E., (2021). Paradigm Shift: from teaching about diversity to learning in diversity, Bulletin of Scientific Information, 2020 (39). Bioterra University, pp.16-23
  • Concioiu M.E., Afrim C.E., (2020). Aspects of in vitro propagation of Acer Platanoides, Bulletin of Scientific Information, 2020 (39). Bioterra University, pp. 5-15
  • Concioiu, M.E. (2020). Femei laureate ale premiului Nobel în domeniul științelor, O viață pentru o idee!, Volum de Lucrări ale Simpozionului Național Ecoterra, Ediția a XII-a, Olteanu S. (coord.), Editura Casa Corpului Didactic Prahova, pp.74-76
  • Concioiu, M.E. (2019). Avatarurile învățământului românesc, Punctul Critic. nr. 3 (29), 94-101, România postcomunistă. Treizeci de ani de încercări, erori, realizări si eșecuri
  • Sima F.C., Concioiu M.E. (2016). Non-formal Education. Demersuri Creative, Teacher’s Publication
  • Concioiu, M.E. (2014). Proiectele de mobilitate individuală – o șansă pentru dezvoltarea personală și a carierei. Școala furnizor de calitate în educație. Ed. Teocora Buzău, 114-115.
  • Concioiu, M.E. (2013). The Necessity of in vitro Propagation of Maple Species used in Garden Landscaping in Romania, Current Trends in Natural Sciences 2(4).
  • Concioiu, M.E. (2011). Observaţii generale asupra elementelor de faună şi floră din insulele malteze, ca urmare a participării la o activitate de formare Comenius. Rolul şi importanţa activităţilor extracuriculare – auxiliar pentru cadrele didactice din învăţământul preuniversitar. Ed. LVS Crepuscul, 136.
  • Concioiu, M.E., Bălţatu, R.D. (2011). Obiceiuri alimentare sănătoase. Abordarea unui stil de viață sănătos - necesitate și oportunitate pentru generația de mâine, Ed. Gutenberg Univers, Arad, 50-51.
  • Various articles on Education, Pedagogy, Biology, Biotechnologies and Healthy Lifestyle.



  • 2020 – Overcoming the Limitations of Online Biology Teaching in a Secondary School, 1st Pan-European Conference on Distance teaching, Primera Courses, Ljubljana, Slovenia
  • 2018 – The Challenges of the Educational Policies in EU – Diversity and Common Views, Young Researchers Workshop, ELGS, Athens, Greece
  • 2016 – Good Practices of Erasmus+ KA1 Projects, ANPCDEFP, Bucharest, Romania
  • 2015 – We are the Moving Generation, motivational speech, PRAIS Foundation, Bucharest, Romania


  • 2020 – 2021 – CERT-ANTREP (Researcher-entrepreneur on the labor market in the fields of intelligent specialization), CODE SMIS 2014+:124708 nr. 37141/23.05.2019, provided by The National University of Political Studies and Public Administration and The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Romania, PhD fellow, Bucharest, Romania
  • 2019 – Coaching and Mentoring between high-school and university students – workshops for career counselling, Bucharest, Romania
  • 2016 – 2018 – Erasmus+ KA2 Project: Laboratorios de Humanidad, team member, Valencia, Spain
  • 2015 – 2017 – Erasmus+ KA1 Project: Connecting Europe, project manager, Bucharest, Romania
  • 2016 – ZEN – Youth Projects – Design and implementation, Bucharest, Romania
  • 2015 – 2016 – Together to Success, Green Leaf Story, trainer, Bucharest, Romania
  • 2011 – The Natural Habitat of the Mediterranean Region, Europe Sans Frontiers, LLP Comenius, Attard, Malta


  • 2021 – From Teaching about Diversity to Learning on Diversity in the Romanian Educational System, ATINER Journal, 23rd Annual International Conference on Education, speaker, Athens, Greece
  • 2021 – Career opportunities for Ecology students, speaker, University of Pitesti, Pitesti, Romania
  • 2019 – Continuitate și parteneriat în serviciile de consiliere din învățământul preuniversitar și universitar, National Conference, The Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Romania
  • 2019 – Highschool and University Students Career Counselling – Sinaia, Romania
  • 2018 – Cariera în secolul XXI. Centrele de carieră la nivel universitar şi preuniversitar şi piaţa muncii, National Conference, Teacher Training and Counselling Department, University of Bucharest, Romania
  • 2018 – Migration Crisis and European Crisis, dr. Giovanna Campani, Athens, Greece
  • 2017 – The well-being of the young generation, PRAIS Foundation National Conference - We are the Young generation, Bucharest, Romania
  • 2015 – Connector, ANPCDEFP, Cluj-Napoca, Romania


  • 2021 – National Evaluator, Ministry of Education
  • 2018 – Educational Project Management, Bucharest, Romania
  • 2015 – CLIL, Erasmus+ KA2, Warsaw, Poland
  • 2015 – Youth and Child Development, Communication Skills, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
  • 2015 – Corruption Risk Management in Education, Bucharest, Romania
  • 2014 – 2015 – Management and Educational Leadership, Bucharest, Romania
  • 2014 – 2015 – Crisis Management, Bucharest, Romania
  • 2012 – Project Manager Certification
  • 2011 – Trainer Certification
  • 2011 – Mentor Certification
  • 2011 – Professional Competences Evaluator
  • 2011 – The Natural Habitat of the Mediterranean Region, Attard, Malta


  • 2021 – present – Member of ATINER - Athens Institute for Education and Research
  • 2017 – 1st Teacher’s Degree / Senior Teacher
  • 2014 – 2nd Teacher’s Degree – Romanian Public Educational System
  • 2009 – Permanent Teacher Certification
  • 2007 – 2nd place – Student’s Conference – To be a European Teacher, University of Pitești, Romania


„Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”

Nelson Mandela


Bucharest, Romania